Saturday, December 11, 2010

Alternative For Lip Liner

the rulers of "opposition" to everything! YouthForce

lie the rulers of "opposition" to everything!

Through this, our movement juvenil, cívico, deportivo y cultural Fuerza Joven, desmiente categóricamente la afirmación que hacen los regidores autollamados de oposición a través de mensajes en su página de Facebook llamada “Bloque opositor” en la que aseguran que los jóvenes estudiantes que nos hemos manifestado en el nuevo palacio municipal, fuimos a manifestarnos en contra del Presidente Enrique Pelayo Torres.

A través de mensajes enviados (no se sabe por cual de los regidores) desde esta pagina del Facebook, regidores del autonombrado “Bloque opositor”, aseguran que los jóvenes que nos manifestamos, fuimos a solicitar que not pay him his first fortnight the Mayor and that they would support us in this application.

The truth is:
on Monday 6 May and Wednesday, December 8 last, young students, participants in our civic and youth movement YouthForce Ensenada, we went to City Hall this town to demonstrate against the "grid and lack of agreement" of the whole council, mainly from this group of "opposition councilors." Not against President Pelayo.

Such is the case in our 2nd event, the ruler of the diaper, Garaizar Alberto Moreno spoke with us to request an explanation of the reason for this behavior of the aldermen saying it, arrogance, authoritarianism and lack of democracy due to lack the mayor.

Then on Friday, December 10, we went to interview young people with the Regidor "PRI" Raymond de la Mora following a phone call from her assistant, who gave us an appointment with the ruler who gave us the same explanation, but extends to not allow that the President impose a whim unprofessional people, or only their buddies were. (Whereupon Youth Force if you agree, as they are not the buddies of the President but also of policy makers, and we agree, as they are the inhabitants of delegations to finally choose their delegates as campaign offered it the current president).

the same day Friday, leaving this interview, we turned to run into the ruler of PANAL Alberto Moreno Garaizar and we express our disagreement with the sudden change of the owner of INJUVENS thing is affecting us the youth city \u200b\u200bas it had advanced projects for youth Ensenada and still not be created or sports commission or the commission of youth which is the very Mr. Garaizar, to which undertook us to no later than next Monday 13 December. for 10hrs and had appointed him, the young man who would head this direction city, which belonged to his party by "negotiation" had been achieved with the mayor

In Force Young Ensenada, we are neither for nor against any of the aldermen. Youth Force is a civic movement, youth, non-partisan unresponsive to the interests or any political party or any officer or public servant, for this reason, we can not, we should not and will not, allow the case to use our totally youth movement healthy (not corrupt) in favor of political interests is a political party whatever, but do not accept that most young people see us in our movement, some council members make fun of us to see our always peaceful and legal demonstrations or that we try to use lying to Ensenada and sending messages to members in those who claim that our demonstration was to support them.

As promised Councilman diaper Garayzar Alberto Moreno, have already designated for Monday the new head of INJUVENS.

For this reason, we hereby, invite youth already on vacation and the general public, to conduct a sit-in inside the new City Hall from 10am time the alderman promised to give the name and contact with the person who would be the owner of this address if not, would realize a young seedling remain in the palace outside the offices of the council until we see out "white smoke" from the council and was made due protest is who is elected by the council as a whole for this important responsibility.

Finally it is clear that YouthForce NOT ACCEPT, any young man fence to serve only the interests of his political party in this direction, therefore, be vigilant to nominations made by the council.

On the other hand, require information YouthForce What was it about? so they finally gave each "ruler opponent" in this "negotiation" they had with the President Enrique Pelayo. The Ensenada I do not want to be hijacked by interest or group, or party, or personal in this administration.

So fellow council members, please stop manipulating information and no longer lie . Yes, we ask that they pay their 1st week or fortnight, but you, the council crickets and beggars. Now, if you want us to be more democratic, because then all the full council (including President and Trustee) to see if that if they agree with us, in fact, we suggest people donate as an act of charity is now Christmas, and there will be many people in need in part thanks to you, you can donate the DIF to the people most in need, would be a good way to atone for their sins administrative Do not you think?

In advance, Many Thanks to the media for publishing this clarification published in our youth movement.

YouthForce Ensenada.


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