Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Wheelchair For Rent Manila

1st Mega-Mosh! Vs. Violence, Rock and Ska Youth Force 2011!

Young Ensenada
we join the National Campaign Against Violence call: ! No More Blood!
the festival:

That the Youth Movement Ensenada Youth Force held in the city with a Played for Rock and Ska Support! Nonviolence and No More Blood! in our Mexico.
The Festival will include:
A Band Played for Peace in Mexico
An exhibition of Electro and Break Dance
And the recording and display of choreography and of course ... Interprepas

The First Mega-MOOOSH of Ensenada just 10 Pesillo, rod pa ke no jaja Naiden missing. Bands Invited

so far:





Hopeless Reborn (Mexicali) Parallel



Kung Fu

Caddies Bully


Cheve Bara

and more bands ...

Monday, February 21, 2011

How To Use Monopod Indoors


On the bicentennial of the birth of Domingo Faustino Sarmiento and precise instructions from the Ministry of National Education is emphasized in all schools throughout the country acts to poison children and youth in the exaltation of this sinister character that has no hero. In one of the speeches was spellbound during a historian to call him "a pioneer of the XXI century." A repair mode oversized see how he thought the real architect of antinación of the unpopular, the fate of the poor and helpless, federalism and love of country. Obviously we can not fight alone against history Mitre, unitary sarmientuda but sacred mission of journalism is reporting the truth and destroy merciless infamous myths of official history.
"'He speaks of gauchos. The fight has noticed them, all that rabble of loafers. Do not try to save the blood of gauchos. This is a compost that is useful to the country. The blood of the native mob uncivil, barbaric and rude, is all that human beings have. " (Letter to the Mitre 09/20/1861).
"'I have people hate to barbarism. The mob and the people are hostile to us gaucho. While there will be a fluke citizens masses "are perhaps the only source of power and legitimacy? The poncho, the fluke and the ranch are from the wild and form a division between the city of culture and people, causing Christians to degrade. You will have the glory of the republic established in all the power of the educated class annihilating the lifting of masses. " (Letter to the Mitre 24/09/1861).
"If the poor in hospitals, homes for the homeless and orphanages die, they die, because the state has no love, no soul. The beggar is an insect, like the ant, collected waste. So it is useful without the need to be given money. So what if the State fails to die can not live with their shortcomings? Orphans are the last people in this society, children of vicious parents, should be given no more than to eat. " (Speech in the Senate of the Province of Buenos Aires, 09.13.1859).
need to enter by force in the nation, and war if necessary (1861). The rebels will all be hanged, officers and soldiers in any numbers are (1866). It is necessary to use terror to succeed. Death should be given to all prisoners and all the enemies. All means of work are good and should be used without hesitation, imitating the Jacobins at the time of Robespierre (1844). The invasion of the Falklands by the English is useful for civilization and progress. " (Daily Progress, 12/28/1842).
"I have contributed to my writing with determination advising the Chilean government to take that step. The Argentine government, misled by a false glory, creates a question idle does not deserve to change two notes. For Buenos Aires, such possession is useless. Magellan belongs to Chile and perhaps all of Patagonia. " (El Progreso, 11 to November 28, 1842, "The Chronicle", 11/03/1849, 29/04/1949, 04/08/1949).
"Malvinas is a desert land, frigid and useless. Not worth spending a barrel of gunpowder in his defense. Why persist in pursuing a nominal occupation. " (El Nacional, 19.07.1878).

"We doubt the existence of Paraguay. Descendants of races Guarani indians and slaves who work by instinct in the absence of reason. They perpetuate the colonial primitive barbarism. They are ignorant of dogs which have killed hundreds and fifty thousand. Their advance, led by English descendants would degenerate the arrest of any progress and a return to barbarism. The frantic, stupid, gross and ferocious drunk Solano López accompanying thousands of animals who obey and die of fear. It is providential that a tyrant has made all these people die Guarani. Was necessary to purge the land of all that human excrescence, which lost race of infection must be free. " (Letter to Mitre in 1872).

"succeeded in wiping out the Indians? For the wild feel an invincible America disgust could not help it. That ilk are nothing more than a few Indians who send nasty hang up now if they return. Caupolicán Lautaro and some Indians are lousy, because that's all, unable to progress. Their extermination is providential and helpful, sublime and great. They should be exterminated without even forgive the little guy already has the instinctive hatred of civilized man. " (El Progreso, 09/27/1844, "El Nacional", 19/05/1877, 11/25/1876, 08/02/1879)
"Argentines living in Chile today lost their nationality. Chile is our beloved homeland. For Chile we live. " (Daily Progress, 11/01/1843). "Artigas is a bandit, a terrorist calculus. Head of bandits, bandit, smuggler, hardened in the violence, uncivil, foreign to all feeling of patriotism; known vandal, ignorant, rude, monster thirsting for plunder, dirty and bloody idol fluke. Force vest that wild animal that carries fresh leather men for the slaughter inseparable attendants and devastation. " (Works, Vol 17, pages 87 and 92, Volume 15, pages 348 and 349, Volume 38, page 280).
"Franklin moral advance on the same moral of Jesus Christ." (01-01-1886) "The monks and nuns take over education dumb down our children. Ignorant of principles, civilization-killing fanatics, migrant women's collusion and train, garbage in Europe, are the filoxeta and black thistle of the pampas, weeds that need to be removed. " (1902-1883).
"living in the provinces of a wicked two-legged animals do not know what condition is obtained to treat them better." (Report to Mitre, 1863).
Inadi One official here, please! SOURCE: "El Liberal", February 20, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Create Your Own Wwe Title

García Hamilton and "authoritarian origins of our culture" *


Under the thesis of liberal historian José Ignacio García Hamilton, about the origins of our authoritarian culture and unproductive, to blame all the ills that afflict us the Argentines would be in the institutions that brought Spain to the New World conquest, as well as the mentality that Americans inherited from the former.

And to think that many thought that the British hegemonic vocation, and the complicity of native groups linked to foreign interests, was the main cause of our national prostration.

It follows that there were no piracy at all English, no war against the English empire. Probably invasions to the Rio de la Plata were poorly understood. Nor agents acting on our territory to serve British commercial interests. We stole the Falklands, we suffered no civil war naval blockades and fires from outside. We are not forced to go to war with the brotherly country of Paraguay to defend the English trade. English I never appropriated our natural resources (forests, minerals, etc.), or were left with a monopoly on our public services. It is true that the Roca-Runciman treaty has set a disadvantage for our country in trade with the British. Not saying we cheated inconvertible sterling, not pay us the debt owed to our country after the Second World War. There was no usurious interest on loans that forced us to contract with international banks and still overwhelm us, etc etc.

Surely all these facts are nothing more than conspiracy theories and nationalist chauvinism.

the fault of all of English absolutism and the warlords who fought the beneficial action of English imperialism.

Please! "For the benefit of who writes history?

When a distorted historical facts, when ignored-or-quite simply enhances the action of imperialism, what lesson can we draw from the reading of our past? Is not it at least that's a fallacious reductionism?

defends When a conservative oligarchy of privilege wicked. When at the same time denigrating the heroes and national ideas are disregarded, no collaboration is truly responsible for the situation of subjugation and poverty in our country? And what is more serious, do not you spread a feeling of self-denigration that obscures reality and prevents us recover our will to be and to exist with dignity?

Atilio Dr. Edgardo Moreno

* Letter to the newspaper El Liberal of Santiago del Estero, refrained from publishing

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Is There A Substitution For Wax


The February 3, 1852 the Confederation of Argentina, who was driving legally and lawfully Don Juan Manuel de Rosas, fell defeated in the fields of Home against coalition that formed the infamous Brazilian, Eastern and urquicistas.
That tragedy, which left an indelible mark our national destiny, was the result of a perverse plot started several years ago.
Indeed, our historic enemy in the region, the Empire of Brazil, had long been concerned that the government of Rosas had become an insurmountable hurdle for their expansionist ambitions, so he ordered his skillful diplomacy to find a way to overthrow the illustrious restorer of the Law and Order.
In this, the Brazilians agreed with economic and geopolitical interests of the English, which did not slacken in its attempt to impose the free navigation of our inland rivers and the system of free trade.
To this end, the imperial realized that they had won the support of the internal enemies of Rosas. Their most coveted prey was General Justo José de Urquiza, who was then governor of the province of Entre Rios and most powerful army by providing for the Confederation Argentina.
With that effort in 1850 had tempted the leader entrerriano requesting his neutrality in a possible invasion of Argentine territory, opportunity Urquiza knew the answer which I could not take such an attitude without betraying his country.
However, shortly thereafter, his way of seeing things would change. Reasons, or rather pesos, would influence it. And is that Don Juan Manuel had decided to end the illegitimate trade that had enriched the Entre Rios.
As clearly explains historian José María Rosa, protectionist economic policy that drove Don Juan Manuel, orchestrated mainly by the Customs Act, "if well protected and gave a great impetus to industrial activity in the interior provinces , thereby unleashing the Anglo-French attacks culminating in the Vuelta de Obligado ", however it became a nuisance for personal business Urquiza.
And though all governors retained the right to adopt economic measures they wish for their provinces, if not detrimental to the Confederation, in addition to their own internal and external customs, Buenos Aires without any income gain up to them, the fact is that Urquiza was beyond, in pursuit of personal interest, catering to Montevideo, besieged by the enemy square Confederation and gold smuggling in violation of the law and customs to the detriment of the common good of the Argentine .
His own personal secretary, Nicanor Molina acknowledged that "The statement was because Rose was not allowed to trade gold for Entre Rios." Urquiza due course cover these motivations and alleged that he spoke against Rose to give the country a constitution and ending tyranny. Issues that had never before interested and who could not justify a gene ral Nation to join the enemies of the country in order to overthrow a foreign government and impose other national interests.
And so, with that original sin, a crime against nation- it was the ignominious February 3, 1852 and the inevitable defeat of the Confederacy Argentina against forces far more powerful. Forces which incidentally had been financed by the foreign enemy getting the national heritage as a guarantee of payment for such assistance.
The crime wave that erupted immediately after the battle was another disgrace in this process, and was an example of the customary procedure of Unitarians and liberals in our country. More than 600 murders in the city of Buenos Aires, accompanied by all sorts of abuses of civilians. Thousands of executions in the campaign, an entire division of federal army, the division passed by Aquino-arms, Colonel Chilavert and hundreds of heroes who fought in the Vuelta de Obligado cruelly murdered by the victors of Caseros.
The proceeds of these "enlightened", they said the fight against tyranny and terror, and promised to bring the benefits of civilization and everything that came after Caseros, further justify everything done by Don Juan Manuel de Rosas.
The consequences of such ignominy would be sad, very serious and lasting.
For now, the Battle of Caseros, Brazil saved his destination and washed their outrage. The fact that although it took place on February 3 and that his troops to wait until 20 for that month anniversary of our victory, for newly entering Ituzaingo victory parade in Buenos Aires says it all.
But the worst thing was that for the nation Caseros Argentina became the beginning of his national decline. This meant the interruption of this joint venture started in 1550 with the founding of the city of Santiago del Estero, determined the breakdown of our historical tradition and the abortion of our destiny of greatness.
From then began to invent a new country, anti-Argentine, Argentina back to the real and true self against his country.
The country was born of the opprobrium that would be built according to the dictates of international Freemasonry and serve the interests of Anglo-Saxon imperialism.
The state is organized will be the basis of the present system of domination that ensures the government of the worst and the submission of our country to international financial capital.
economic model to be implemented from now on will transfer our wealth abroad, and our Catholic Hispanic culture Creole and suffer the brunt of the materialist worldview, secular and liberal transmitting the Masonic lodges.
Even the repudiation of the native came to the point where they tried to implement a real genocide against our people native to the effects of replacing it with an Anglo-Saxon and Protestant immigration thank God that did not arrive to this land. Anyway, these systematic killings of gauchos would affect the psychology of archetypal Argentine man, contributing to the loss of our old heroic spirit and dignity.
That founding spirit lost-but-living material, is precisely what Nationalists must recover so that we again have a great nation, strong and independent as the days of Don Juan Manuel, and that the felons of today, the same lineage as those of Home-have their comeuppance.

Atilio Edgardo Moreno