Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Adaptateur Firewire 800 Ethernet


Within the framework of the New World Order, imposed by the Corporations and the Developing Countries addicted to the "Empire of Money" Liberalism is the leading edge in the international power balance. Without getting too has done extensive analysis on the subject, we can synthesize what Liberalism is today, as the real Axis of Evil, which is mounted an abominable structure or "Scheme of Power" both political, economic and military, that is consummated without interruption for nearly three centuries, the "natural order" that man should follow to ensure its development as a creature of God, made in His image and likeness. With liberalism, the relationship breaks creator-creation, to become self-determination and almost heretical in both the philosophical and theological.

liberal man wants to overcome the creator confronts him, challenging him and try to replace it with new deities like money, prestige, power, etc ... All in unnatural, there are no limits or ethics, or moral, less religious. Liberalism involves the emancipation of the Plan of God.

The exaltation of human freedom, the elimination of barriers to start the free will, it is just the same sin of disobedience to God's authority.

Carlos A. Sacheri, in his book "The Natural Order", clearly defines the consequences of liberal doctrine, which may be summarized in three levels:

1 - From the Philosophical : philosophy liberal believes that man is naturally good and fair, possessor of absolute freedom, which does not recognize limits. Rousseau would define as the "noble savage", an independent, sovereign, incapable of malice. His determination will help you achieve indefinite progress and necessary. Not be subject to any ethical rules, not from self-determination.

2 - From the Economic : the liberal economy is centered on individual initiative and interest. Adam Smith refers to "healthy individual selfishness," where there is harmony between supply and demand, that is a perfect harmony of interests, that even the state itself would obstruct it. The profit motive takes a fundamental role in the search this balance. The gain by the gain itself, assumes an important role in human relations so that soon there would be a new social class: the merchant class. The profit motive will lead to liberal capitalism and the logical consequences of putting man under the liberal economic model, displacement of rural population to big cities, poverty belts, assimilation of human labor as "good", with the obvious loss human divinity involved.

3 - From the Political : liberal politics exalts individual freedom. Is absolutely free, so it is an attack against any institution that enacts the social purpose of that freedom. For example: the right to abortion is absolute, so whatever is in my body and I decide not to have an institution (ie the Catholic Church). The right to life, is a natural right to pursue a social purpose, ie the right to be born, to form a natural family constituted an integral part of a society in which one can develop fully.

For liberals, the state of nature is "dictatorial", so you only need to perform functions of a mere custodian of that freedom individual and absolute ownership trying to defend each individual, also lacking a social function.

With the Liberal Doctrine, was born on secularism, the separation between church and state, between positive law and natural law. The "moral" is relegated to a mere blueprint "subjective", so that one sees as right or just do not have to be accepted by others.


Liberalism was born as a logical consequence of the common man put on a higher plane than had at the beginning of the Medieval Age. Of subject, becomes a citizen, a craftsman, or becomes Burgess Industrial vassal, it becomes official, governor or president, in short, is a process that led to a profound human transformation that lacking any guidance or mostly religious leadership, is creating more space each sovereign or independent between God and man.

What in the Middle Ages, God was the center of everything, the modern age reverses the burden and puts the man closer to the center of everything. God in his infinite mercy gives us the freedom to act in accordance with his designs. The problem is that man is not a common beast of burden due. Reason, the source of our cultural development, has placed the human being itself in defiance to the Almighty.

Now we see as liberalism, by the grace of reason, raises standards of conduct to challenging for God: the manipulation of genetics, the use of science to fertilize eggs in vitro, speculation to film the arrival of God on earth through His Son Jesus Christ, the wish to die voluntarily assisted euthanasia or deny life to a human being by abortion, the desire to choose my own sex to homosexuality and transsexuality; handling of the natural order of the family with the introduction of gay marriage, pornography as a major "adult entertainment industry," the woman as object of desire in films and advertising guidelines, the reversal of authority between youth and adults, students and teachers, the social revolution against the Church, the destructive globalization the nation-state, the gradual disappearance of the State, cultures, customs healthy, ethical and moral values, all this are the tracks that this Axis of Evil is leaving everywhere.

Henry F. Maranhão


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