Text: José Pedro Pérez Rodríguez
L the Feast of the pastors has its origin in the celebration of the first mass in the temple that the shepherds built a La Virgen de Los Reyes day April 25, 1577 . In commemoration of that date, every year, the pastors and faithful head to La Dehesa, a party that pastors devote to their patron saint. The date of April 25 has been directly related to the pastoralists in the Meadow community, because until recently access to the temple of the patron, was more complicated than today, with the arrival of vehicles.
The festive day will be held on SATURDAY April 30, 2011 , given the impossibility of realizing before, given the overlap with the dates of Easter and will include the celebration of Holy Mass at midnight, procession around the Mountain of the Virgin, where herders carry to the patron, with his typical attire: suit and bag, accompanied by dancers islanders. There will be a first stop on the Stone of the rulers, after a short break and resumed the procession to the Caracol area where the door of La Cueva de La Virgen, there will be a new stop and pastors do an auction of some beef, in gratitude to God through the intercession of the beloved mother, for the pastures received during the year, then resume the procession to the shrine.

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