sure many of you asked what is the model they listened to the president or some of his ministers to speak to deepen the model. At least that was my doubt and, as one put it, I thought that the model was the arrogance of Moreno, the ludicrous extent INDEC inflation, the enrichment of officials like James and Capaccioli, money in the bathroom of Felisa Miceli, bags flying Antonini Wilson, the drug mafia, the purchase of land in a very low price Calafate, the arrogance of believing the best government for the last 200 years, the need to always be in front of TV cameras lying about the achievements, the display of expensive clothes and jewelry while children die from malnutrition in Salta and Misiones, to have a justice willing to close the allegations of illicit enrichment and stop union opposition, have members in the Supreme Court to make partisan political for the government, have a defense minister when the questions about weapons smuggling claims not to know what a FAL and a stone face can deny the reality and tells us that insecurity is just a feeling, without move him a hair of his mustache.
But I was wrong. The revelation about what the model came from a poor pregnant woman traveling in the train that had the accident in San Miguel, what was the advancement of labor. The reporters gave him a report and, among other things, asked if she worked, to which he replied that no, he had a plan of those who give the government. Asked if the husband worked, she corrected herself, "my friend" and he said, because he also has another plan and if we got married we removed one. Insisted the reporter "but neither works? No sir, from time to time he makes some Changuito, but does not work because if not, we removed the plan. The reporter asked again what you have to do to continue receiving these plans? Ir a las manifestaciones cuando nos convoca el puntero. ¿Y ustedes le dan algo de plata al puntero? No señor, nada. ¿Y cuánto cobran con los planes? Y aquí quiero ser sincero, porque no escuché bien si la señora dijo que, incluido el salario universal, cobraban 1.800 o 2800 pesos.
Si fuera esta última cifra, cobrarían más que yo, que tengo 41 años de antigüedad e instrucción a nivel terciario.
Y mientras esto sucede, los viñateros de Mendoza ven peligrar la cosecha porque no hay mano de obra para levantarla.
¿Ahora entiende cuál es el modelo?
Luis Razzolini
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