Patriotic Force is pleased to unearth this valuable historic document signed by our comrade, the noted economist Dr. Walter Beveraggi Allende, who made a brief summary of nationalism seated position with the disastrous economic policies of former President Raul Alfonsin. The concepts expressed in them - despite the time- retain their full force.
Will liar President?
Public Statement
SM de Tucuman, February 20, 1987
Liar President Alfonsin
February 13 last Dr. Alfonsin accused critics of his government to make a counter "banal and trivial" and not to offer suggestions or alternatives.
Again President lying shamelessly. That has received serious and repeated proposals to amend the policy mean that it has applied since taking office.
I have seen, for example, from my professor of economics at the University of Buenos Aires, necessity and possibility of implementing a monetary policy CREDIT BANK "abundant and cheap, with production target, with which could be reactivated immediately our battered production without foreign loans or investments of any kind.
lies also the Secretary of the Treasury Mario Brodersohn, to argue that "if Argentina does not get the loan of 2,150 million dollars from the International Bank not achieved the economic growth of 4% (La Gaceta, SM de Tucumán, 02.21.1987, p. 1 )
is absolutely false that our economic recovery depends on the inflow of foreign capital or loans or even that such takeover would require the consent of actual or suspected foreign creditors and the International Monetary Fund welcomed.
All these I have explained and demonstrated documentation I've sent President since before assuming the post, including my book, "Qualitative Theory of Money."
And if I have not paid attention or given the opportunity to demonstrate publicly the circumstances, it was not due to a lack of consistency of my proposals or technical level to express myself, but for the simple reason that President Alfonsin, his Treasury Secretary, Mario Brodersohn, its chief linguist, Rep.. Jaroslavsky Cesar and the entire cast of collaborators that accompanies it, is absolutely subservient to the Zionist, managed worldwide from Wall Street, with David Rockefeller and his entourage of international bankers to head.
This is not an outburst, I have already publicly stated on many occasions and ratified in October ultimo., To sue for libel and slander before the National Justice CS (Delegation of Israeli Associations of Argentina) Zionist highest authority that operates in our country, noting that this segment of the global satrapy alluded intends to continue slanderer of "anti-Jewish and anti-Semitic" to continue to avoid the very serious consideration I have been making allegations against the financial-economic system it represents and because of the relentless aggression that has been perpetrated against our country, thanks to the complicity of local partners will provide as President Alfonsin or Martinez de Hoz and his military escort "Process of National Reorganization."
date this statement published on February 20, 1987, anniversary of the glorious battle of Salta, and I take this occasion to call my countrymen to take up once and for all the vigorous defense of the Nation against cafile all smugglers and traitors that kept trampled, because it is not fake and to respect democratic institutions, but restored by whatever means, the rights of the Argentine people to physical survival, work honored and Christian morality, which is our traditional spiritual heritage.
Walter Beveraggi Allende
Posted in Patria Argentina, No. 5, March 1987
Photo: An economist on my right for the love of God
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