No more repression against the youth of Ensenada!
Youth Meeting City officials XX
Movement Ensenada Youth Youth Force, invites you to you Young to a major meeting of young artists, athletes (Skates, BMX), students and youth in general, officials from City Hall XX.
At that meeting, Young talked to the secretaries of the Cabinet, the Mayor, Municipal Public Security and Education for 2 things:
First .- Request permission to use the gym Col. Hidalgo to implement the 1st Youth Cultural event that we call next year 2011:
The 1st and returned! YouthForce 2011.
Youth Cultural Festival in which, there will be a tournament of bands called War Rock Band (For which already may be enrolling) tournaments, Skate, BMX, break and Electro.
Second .- to denounce those responsible for Sec Municipal Public Security the repression of which are being Youth of the city of Ensenada at the hands of some police officers and agree on how to work on measures to protect young people are not criminals.
Please spread the word, invite who you like and point to attend this important meeting.
! For A Youth more aware and Solidarity!
Your Move
YouthForce Ensenada
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