Photo: Miguel Ángel Rodríguez
E l municipality Hierro de La Frontera welcomes today from 21.00 hours on Tigaday Square, celebrating the Festival of Folklore I improv, organized by the AF Tejeguate, with the collaboration of the Cabildo de El Hierro, the Canary Islands Government and the City of La Frontera.
During the morning we know personalmene through improvisation workshop held at the IES Salmor Roques musicians and accompanied by the Puerto Ricans Yeray verseadores Rodríguez. In this If Colón Zayas brothers (Edwin-four Will the Puerto Ricans and guitar), Noel Velazquez (guiro) and Raul Silva (minstrel as they are called to verseadores in Puerto Rico). Pure luxury in our island ...
verseador Yeray notes that "created himself"

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