Friday, May 20, 2011
Changer Langue Batman
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Ways Of Making A Profit At A Spa

Wednesday, May 18, 2011
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Other aspects of the El Hierro or its emblems are not left out and talked about the loss of the Prime Meridian or the End of the Old World in Orchilla en favor de los ingleses en Greenwich.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
I Wear A Size 24 Eeee Shoe

S erá este viernes 20 de mayo a las 20:00 horas, en el Salón de Actos de la Facultad de Educación (Magisterio) de la Universidad de La Laguna (Tenerife).con la participación de Grupo Folclórico de la Asociación Cultural Arraigo (La Laguna) y el Grupo Folclórico de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad de La Laguna, representando varios temas del archipiélago canario. In the case of El Hierro will be staged on dance of the mazurka. Essential attend.
According to Manuel Lorenzo Perera, its current director: "... I'm afraid the current state of musical folklore in the Canary Islands, among other things because it remains a totally unknown world, not beyond of isas, folías and Malaga, while in the background is a tremendous wealth of more than three hundred genera is one of the world's richest folklore . "
Topics to be represented in the sample
• San Juan hatchet and chop (EI Amparo, Icod de los Vinos. Tenerife).
• Run and Dance Dance sitting (El Amparo).
• Dance sirinoque (La Punta, Tijarafe. La Palma).
• Dance of the Santo Domingo (La Gomera).
• Couplets de la Purisima (Tiscamanita, Tuineje. Fuerteventura). • Tajaraste or tanganillo
Teno Alto (Buenavista del Norte. Tenerife).
• Dance of the Santo Domingo (Lanzarote).
• Songs of tomato (Telde. Gran Canaria).
• Dance of the mazurka (EI Hierro). • widower
Isa (Los Carrizales, Buenavista del Norte. Tenerife).
Monday, May 16, 2011
Campbell's Tomato Soup Paprika Chicken
l E next Saturday May 21, one day before the general election, the festival is celebrated in honor of Our Lady of Consolation in the village dresser. After the Mass to be held at 12 will be the procession with dancers from the usual route. In the afternoon a number of activities children and from 21 hours to dance in the Casino R uperto.
For those who want more, here's all the information Photo:
MORE 2009
Colour Of Cm Before Menstruation

Sunday, May 15, 2011
Blade Blade (dragon Ball)
V alverde con todo su pueblo congregado y lleno de júbilo, abrió sus puertas a todos para brindar la oportunidad de pasar un día entero en compañía de los amigos, observar lo más destacado de la cabaña ganadera, tomar una carnita con vino, participar en la procesión con bailarines y ver y escuchar una muestra de folclore con nuestros grupos más representativos....
Para todos aquellos que nos siguen y no pudieron pasarse Villa inserted by a first selection of snapshots, which we hope you like them.

Saturday, May 14, 2011
Camera Is Not Working On Mac

dancers en route

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
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addition to a holiday, the people of the Lapas, did not want to miss the opportunity to establish themselves as homeowners association, giving a new cultural dimension to the town, which is laudable, to promote values \u200b\u200bsuch as solidarity or greater participation in the company of its components. But what self-respecting people would not be a saint and a party?, Certainly cultural reasons, companies and festivals in honor of a saint go together, behold, the main reason for the Lapas has sought in its history, obtaining the perfect argument that is St. Nicholas, a saint that allows the desired party. Far
of fun, music, and food is one of the largest aggregators of people, not all festive atmosphere, especially for the dancers of the Gulf in recent years have become the quintessential marathon group with a large number of parties that need your attention, excessive in comparison with other peoples. For large parties we Candelaria, San Lorenzo, San Salvador, between the feasts of lesser reputation is a fairly diverse cast that runs from San Juan, La Milagrosa, San Nicolas recently, and for joy and record, now in the Mocanes will exist Our Lady of Fatima and of course, the people mocanera, which has also been established in association wants a party with dancers.
what extent, will continue to emerge holidays?, With current population growth and the development of outlying villages called `` type''limpets, partnerships and the search for a holiday is becoming almost a rite, which will surely soon followed by other villages in the municipality, and lead to the creation of another party.
What limits may be imposed in this endless parties?, Probably none, because the facility to create a religious holiday is relatively easy and affordable as demonstrated in the town of Las Lajas, where a group of people, many of them children, managed the acquisition of a saint, and the recognition of it by the parish priest, which allowed the celebration of this festival. Therefore, legally and religiously, it is difficult to impose limiting criteria, and that with the proper fulfillment of the requirements of the Catholic Church, you can create a feast possible without too many complications.
What effects have this `` avalanche''of festivities?, To see the effects involved should use a comparative approach, using it with other peoples the island, where mostly there are only three holidays a year. What is the difference in having three festivals or ten?, One of them and certainly the most important is the importance and rigor with which they are made parties, not the same, namely that there are only three festivals, the which enhances the festive zeal and vigor of the people to participate, including dancers, who have ten or more, and know that to lose one, two, or three, nothing happens, because there will be other, devaluing the meaning of many parties, losing its halo of temporary attraction, which have parties like the Fiesta de la Virgen de los Reyes, which no doubt every year if, not attract the twenty thousand people who come to this island every four years.
With this article I do not want to end the festivities that arise, which undoubtedly also have positive effects, but if I want to invite us to reflect on the possible negative effects of the existence of too many parties in a town as small as Frontera . In addition, it would be advisable to get in the place of the much-criticized Gulf dancers, their lack of diligence to parties (not wanting exonerated of the elimination of any responsibilities as members of a group of dancers), we must not forget obligations of many of them do not match with all the holidays, and for many more nice photo opportunities on Tigaday Candelaria, in the Miracle on Llanillos.
Municipalities and Valverde, have opted for the granting of certain parties to the insular patronage of music, there may reside a solution for the discharge of responsibilities to the dancers, but always be the children of San Roque and San Lorenzo.
say it short and sweet, twice as good, but look at San Antón and San Simon.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
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Friday, May 6, 2011
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Dr. Zulma Escobar Gorocito
British diplomacy than the ability to taste and palate managed Argentina's policy from its inception and before the revolution May is nothing new. Nor is novelty, which makes the double play, thereby ensuring its success, supporting both sides, removing the support to others, but always under a veneer of neutrality. While it is true that they could not do it without the complicity of local ombudsmen, great men, many of which are listed as "heroes" and have streets, museums, schools with their name, are that the heroes of the unpatriotic, Rivadavia, the advance shown on the premise that "the usefulness of debt "contracted in the first embarrassing loan, or who claimed to be proud of being a colony of the empire.
And the 70 was no exception. Of course here is to make a clarification: we must separate the men from the armed forces who heroically defended the order and the Nation itself; of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who in the company of these ombudsmen useful Martinez de Hoz, Klein, Cavallo, defended interests of International Power. And see the resemblance to Rivadavia, foreign debt mushroomed, being the guarantor of the obligations the state itself, even by the private foreign debt, then the nationalized Cavallo, and at 90, he would pay the sale of Grandma's jewelry after the unfortunate and shameful Reform, applauded by Krishna. Or Klein, whose studies were searched then for Justice (perhaps the only time he behaved as an independent, but too slow for Justice), advising the national government and represented the lenders.
Meanwhile, back to 70, idealistic young daze, with the false deed de Castro, the myth of Che, and the grim struggle of classes, so that they sought to impose by force the system, but Argentina only managed to shed blood for nothing. And that if he was innocent blood.
Much ink has flowed on the origins of the different sectors, different variants of communism that sought to impose by force (now pro-democracy). But any political, military, or military operating in the international order can grow without the full consent of that International Power, which directly or indirectly, in peace or war, the benefits (UN, World Bank, IMF or Green Peace also romantic, and dare I even mention organizations terrorists as they seek to control the gold mines in West African countries like Sierra Leone).
Without entering the discussion Peronist Peronist, which is irrelevant because the movement died out and their leader is dead, rescue part of the doctrine, his work was good and evil in history is perhaps just as a failed attempt to establish a country outside the role assigned by the International Division of Labor to make an industrial and technological development. It was an open secret that the British Empire wanted to end the whims and double talk of self-styled "herbivore lion" who in 1964 warned that Winston Churchill held his fall to the House of Commons to compare how the victory in World War II, saying it would not be given respite until the end of days.
But to end all that Perón meant for most people and most importantly, any hint of independent development, it was necessary to create a civil war, to shut down any attempt at national revolution. A match between Argentines. And that was useful, Castro left as cannon fodder, which in the very expansive movement after the "great victory Cuban" penetrated all sectors of the population. Since the college cloisters, churches, from uptown to the villas. Any place could be a combat outpost against "imperialism."
So I was surprised to find a transcript of a lecture by Julio C. González, on the occasion of the celebration of May 1983, a series of events that may go unnoticed, as the report by Lord Franks prepared for the British Parliament by the Crown Council saying quote "January 22, 1976: The Argentine commanders are contrary to approve any military action likely to facilitate the maintenance of the power of the regime of Mrs. Peron. While it is possible to establish a short respite, it is expected the new measures taken (by the Peronist government) against interests British form of hostile pressure increased, both politically and economically. "released by the newspaper" La Nacion "on 2 April 1983. One of the points were secured in 1976, the complicity of the military hierarchy.
But the other hand, there is also a key fact, the Nation newspaper published regarding what happened on 10 April 1974. A British diplomat named Micke John Bishop was arrested while trying to enter the country an arms smuggling, the Justice intervening Federal Criminal and Correctional. The contraband seized by Prefecture consisted of several packages containing 17,500 9 mm bullets., ammunition, conditioned in boxes and usable pistol, rifle and machine gun, which were taken off the icebreaker HMS Endurance. The diplomat was released, the explanations of the Crown were that "I regret not having complied with the procedures that should have been done in the case to the Foreign Ministry." Explanations were not known, nor the attitude of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. In addition followed by two findings, published in the newspaper "most" of another British ship, and the third aircraft from the British Caledornian. We wonder how many more shipments will not have been discovered ... These supplies and shipments were destined for Castro organizations operating in our territory especially Montoneros. The second point was secured, complicity in the terrorist hierarchy.
This will unleash the terrible civil war predicted and planned by strategists from the northern hemisphere. Is to applaud. Then, with the excuse of the dead that would cause this war would destroy those armed forces who fought against an enemy within fed also by the Empire, and engaged the armed they just hand in the Falklands.
It should be remembered that the Royal Navy icebreaker, visited our country in March 2006, (K government) and was considered by the intentional release, a big step for bilateral relations between countries, as it was the first ship that arrived in our ports after the war, he remained twenty days for repairs at the naval base of Puerto Belgrano. They made an offering to the fallen soldiers in the Falklands. It was this boat, one of the places where prisoners of war were in Argentina. Another humiliation for the patriots and our beloved dead, and another example of cynicism of the softened Montoneros rulers: today and in the 70's, clerks of the empire,
And if all this were not enough, when the government announced drums and Krishna dishes to pay the debt, and "economic freedom", the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo were celebrating. Was not that their sons died fighting imperialism and capitalism? Was not that their children proposed a system of social equality? That debt was paid with their children's lives and the lives of many Argentines marginalized from the system. They do not travel to France and the state will pay thousands of dollars, do not know what. They have no head scarves, but no shoes, clothes, no food, no health, no education, no human rights. But do numbers to vote and keep democracy and inorganic hybrid planned from International Power. In short, a democracy with servile dependency on world powers without social justice. Democracy for a nation without sovereignty delivered.