García Hamilton and "authoritarian origins of our culture" *
Under the thesis of liberal historian José Ignacio García Hamilton, about the origins of our authoritarian culture and unproductive, to blame all the ills that afflict us the Argentines would be in the institutions that brought Spain to the New World conquest, as well as the mentality that Americans inherited from the former.
And to think that many thought that the British hegemonic vocation, and the complicity of native groups linked to foreign interests, was the main cause of our national prostration.
It follows that there were no piracy at all English, no war against the English empire. Probably invasions to the Rio de la Plata were poorly understood. Nor agents acting on our territory to serve British commercial interests. We stole the Falklands, we suffered no civil war naval blockades and fires from outside. We are not forced to go to war with the brotherly country of Paraguay to defend the English trade. English I never appropriated our natural resources (forests, minerals, etc.), or were left with a monopoly on our public services. It is true that the Roca-Runciman treaty has set a disadvantage for our country in trade with the British. Not saying we cheated inconvertible sterling, not pay us the debt owed to our country after the Second World War. There was no usurious interest on loans that forced us to contract with international banks and still overwhelm us, etc etc.
Surely all these facts are nothing more than conspiracy theories and nationalist chauvinism.
the fault of all of English absolutism and the warlords who fought the beneficial action of English imperialism.
Please! "For the benefit of who writes history?
When a distorted historical facts, when ignored-or-quite simply enhances the action of imperialism, what lesson can we draw from the reading of our past? Is not it at least that's a fallacious reductionism?
defends When a conservative oligarchy of privilege wicked. When at the same time denigrating the heroes and national ideas are disregarded, no collaboration is truly responsible for the situation of subjugation and poverty in our country? And what is more serious, do not you spread a feeling of self-denigration that obscures reality and prevents us recover our will to be and to exist with dignity?
Atilio Dr. Edgardo Moreno
* Letter to the newspaper El Liberal of Santiago del Estero, refrained from publishing
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