Norberto Galasso, is one of the intellectuals of the left called national, that dialectical juggling their support to successive governments Kirchner.
The theoretical foundation of this attitude is found in an old Machiavellian tactic taken by some sectors Marxist-Leninists when they realized that the love of country is normally above any class consciousness. Such tactics, as we know, is to support national movements and semi-colonial countries in their struggle against imperialism and its local allies, in order to garner sympathy and confidence of the people, so the eventually able to install the egalitarian paradise promised and that in fact results in a collectivist hell.
The problem here is that you missed Galasso vizcachazo ugly and decided to accompany a political force that in no aspect can be said to be a national movement (not to say nationalistic). So much so that that even some of his traveling companions, for now preferred to stay in the pan before making a fool defending a government that clearly is subject to the dictates of international power of money, and most who do not provide any desirable perk.
Indeed, Galasso was put in the uncomfortable position of supporting a government that has the privilege of being paid that debt over the last few years, borrowing more so than it was. Question is no less as the issue of debt is key to defining loyalty to national interests.
That chute then, as you can not hide that bulging usurious banking payments are a surrender, nor can submit those payments as if they were a repeat of the Battle of Vuelta de Obligado-as Kirchner made the most obtuse, "our national intellectual left argues that we must support the kirchnerismo that at least for the moment there is not strong enough to ignore that part of debt to be illegitimate, and also that the country needs foreign loans. Neodevelopmentalist a theory.
Of all Galasso modes reassures us when the time saying that this administration will break with the international financial capitalism. Other than blind faith.
And why is this so sure this man? Well, that according to him, even though the government can not break for now, given the weak dependence on the field that is popular, "but the Kirchner government is a" national character " is say that it tends or seeks to defend national interests.
To prove Galasso has no other recourse but to magnify small acts or gestures that the government presented as claims of sovereignty but in reality are nothing more than rhetoric (as the supposed debt relief the country) or frauds (such as the recent celebration of the day of sovereignty) and say they are "important steps that express a national character".
vocation Actually the government is quite another. The very President of the nation in his last trip to Europe just to show it plainly. Indeed, the first boss, far from telling the usurious banking things not heard before-like Galasso said, "just make it clear that " Argentina's vocation is to pay all debts. " Cristina Locuto, finite cause. Ie no one is authorized to deny that this government is paying vocation, vocation sellout and traitor, as befits their nature.
wonder from the same host of the national left some wondering what to do now with the book he wrote denouncing Galasso external debt was a scam. They should not be too surprised or shocked.
This happened before with the former leader and teacher of the national left, the red Abelardo Ramos, who spent his bag and baggage, along with a group of followers, "ultra-liberal government of Carlos Menem. Defection which in turn was criticized by none Galasso, who now see him do much the same.
Obviously this seems to be the target of left-wing nationalists who dream of driving the process of making national liberation caboose and pseudonacionalistas corrupt political forces.
There is no doubt that this sworn enemy of true and false nationalism, as Norberto Galasso, who spent his life accusing us of oligarchs, conservatives Nazis, reactionary, clerical, and the other ridiculous nickname crossed his mind ideological, instead of looking at the proverbial straw your neighbor's eye beam should be removed in order to contemplate their own reality as it is.
Atilio Edgardo Moreno
Photo: Galasso relate and pay out-and-out kirchnerista
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