By: Guillermo Rojas
This seems to have spent the last month of political life of our sustained Argentina with forced and natural physical disappearances that have unleashed the winds of the words and deeds. As the system
a mixture of Marxism and capitalism, both terms are careful to preserve at all costs and in the middle of that task unhealthy shorts produced some new moves or simply allow these shunts are induced or provoked.
One dead timely
Marxism, pure and simple bites elbows suffering its own impracticality and co-opting many of his ideas for the benefit of Global Capitalism, so that it has become a marginal part in politics, but usable in the cultural and symbolic.
The left is an element of penetration of the scheme within the company and its mediation Argentina romantic idealist and has become the most vile orders and wishes of the World Power new rights of man.
Indeed, culture rights protest so dear to the left has been the trick for the imposition of abortion and birth control with the excuse of a woman's right to decide on their body or reproductive rights, gay marriage and perversion natural family, with the excuse of right to diversity, destruction of state power in justice and security in penal guarantees called finally to the general subject of human rights and Dictatorship (the Tales of the 30,000 missing) has been canceled our defense apparatus.
Thanks to the left and boludaje accompanying massively our ruin is an inalienable right
with arguments and excuses provided by the postmodern Bolshevism we are helpless, insecure, dissolved morally and forward will be much less. Pies eaten with just open my mouth the words of the Father of the Nation. World Power, exultant.
This same pattern played the system in reference to the murder of a Trotskyite agitator last month at the hands of thugs Peronist unionism, through the media using the protest broke out on the basis of academic nonsense to get rid of a character it is repulsive as Moyano. Not so corrupted that it is (something absolutely undeniable) but that in itself represents the trade union movement and the emerging institutions of the natural order, by corrupt that are in contact with the democratic liberalism.
The stablishmen Moyano t does not hate its corrupt gangster, but what good he has done unionism, not hate it so venal bureaucracy that is the union leadership (in fact it is), but because in trade unionism is much more representative of the people who daubs given to call political parties. But let us compare the social gains of the unions (even corrupted as it is) with nothing or the disaster that has brought us' party.
Consider what you might do for the people with honest trade unionism and rightly understood organic insert a republic. That the system does not want to hear about.
pro-establishment actually gives a damn about decency, are in fact many passengers on that collective political and common criminals, murderers, exploiters, profiteers and swindlers of different kinds, but no one would fall rings.
The media roundtable on the occasion of the crime, engaged in destroying the union bureaucracy Moyano and integrated from the vulgar and CIA agents known to characters from the ultra left. All tanned the same speech, while the fools on the street had fallen back to the 70's: It will be over / is going to end / the union bureaucracy
With the death of Trotskyite agitator died moyanescas aspirations to be the Argentine Lula and distributing the profits of enterprises, the latter something that terrified Regime. He took off through the dead provided by lefties. Even for that are functional. Since the K to the opposition all breathed a sigh of relief.
One dead sung
Anyone with a minimum of reliable information from the world of politics knew clearly that Kirchner would not last long. Four heart attacks and a host of other deficiencies that corroded the stres take him to the grave to continue carrying the train of life she led. It was.
here are not going to rejoice in his death, we ask God to have mercy on his soul, but we will not stop saying that their presence in power was disastrous for our country and punished. Disastrous for what he did: end of giving hands and feet bound and helpless to World Power, confusing the population using leftist rhetoric. What I mentioned before the cultural and symbolic function of the left and demagogic speech Kirchner peaked, not the quality of his speech, nivel francamente infantil, sino por la repetición que hicieran del mismo los medios de comunicación (incluidos los que hoy están en la vereda de enfrente del kirchnerismo) que se identifican en cuanto a peones del Capitalismo Global, con esa modalidad gatopardista. Bueno es decir que hoy esos medios defenestran al kirchnerismo solo y exclusivamente por que su jefe fallecido les quiso manotear la caja. En lo demás son absolutamente lo mismo ideológicamente hablando. La rapacidad del muerto no conoció límites. Era dueño de una perinola que en todas sus caras tenia la frase “Toma Todo”. En fin para que seguir. Tumba y olvido es lo mejor. No vamos a hacernos eco de de los rumores necrofilicos they are affected much.
For the latter attended the carnival of politics and culture that hated or loved the dead man praised him like a saint, for these hypocrites our absolute disgust.
Nor are we surprised by the crowd who queued to see the drawer, but some of that crowd pay, or morbid choripanera were people who sincerely believed, much more at that time was working for crumbs wear yourself out, traveling like cattle or looking for living in the middle of the wasteland that is now our nation through among others, the dead are awake.
Kirchner's legacy is a mystery, perhaps the chaos.
Two deaths have beaten the reality of Argentina in the last month. Marxist agitator of a professional (23 years of age, 10 years in the militancy), a confused boy and a decadent and corrupt politician. These deaths, like all deaths, put us in the face of our own death, not making a blind eye wild, not even the priests from the pulpit preaching about death. Before our own death, all that remains is the ethical act of acting as applicable, for the sake of our country and for our own good. Telling the truth that is sorely lacking, not here or reward after death but that is due. In short, Haidegger tell us that man is a being for death, and Father Castellani socraticasmente that "we must all die."
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