Youth Parade On Independence:
All Skates over 200 Ensenada, break dancers and electro boys, to fellow rock bands that touched during the event, and all youth and general public are invited :
To participate in the Parade Youth and Citizen " for which we begin to gather to one side of the monument Miguel Hidalgo (located on the corner with Av Av Virgilio Ruiz Uribe on one side of Tantra, Old Town) at 10:00 am .
Parade and Youth Citizen of Skates leave that place at 11:00 am on Avenida Ruiz turning on Juarez Avenue to complete its journey around 12:00 pm at the creek below the bridge Ensenada Avenida Juarez place where the festival will take place After Parade.
This does not happen again until 100 years more ...
On Skate Tournament, Electro and Break Dance:
Skates For All, Break Dance and Electro boys in the city of Ensenada :
Here send them information about how they will be tournaments After the Parade:
1. tournament will be next Thursday September 16 (no classes) in the stream below the bridge of Avenida Juarez
The event "After Parade begins at 24:00 with a presentation Pre-Hispanic dance group Ollin Coatl
2. After the official speech of September 16. Mexico's independence on the part of Mr. Apodaca of the ACLE, declared the event opened by the organizing groups.
3. Then, the installation of a registration desk where there 3 people:
One of them, be responsible for registering with Skates cost 20 pesos desired place on the Skate Tournament.
Another person recorded to Electro boys and other for the Break Dance with a registration fee of 20 pesos also be used as a fund for cash prizes.
All those who like to participate in any of the 3 tournaments will be that day, must register by mail by sending your full name, category (skate beginner, advanced, or Electro Breake) to email: And pay table registration records 20 pesos at any of the 3 tournaments .
Note:! VERY IMPORTANT for all Skates, break dancers and electro boys! :
A all Skates, Electro Break and boys to arrive promptly at 10 am the monument to Miguel Hidalgo and participate in the parade since the beginning , only charged 10 pesos for entry in any of the 3 tournaments and no longer 20 for what should be of note at 10 am at the Miguel Hidalgo monument before the parade be released at 11:00 am.
3 Proceeds from the tournament, awards will be for them.
So spread the word and see you all in Monument to Miguel Hidalgo on Thursday September 16 at 10 am for parade and come together at the After Parade.
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