exists in our ranks at this crucial time, a confusion that can lead to a slippery path, which Argentine nationalism has traveled on numerous occasions since 1930 and whose end is always the same scheme: we used as a battering ram to flip Liberalism regimines government of the day, then discarded to our men and consequently to our understanding, as useless tools obsolete.
First we must make it clear that the central enemy of our country is liberalism, and we must never forget that Marxism is a product the plutocratic agnostic and liberal individualism, the opposite approach but with the same basic ideology: the exclusive purely economic conception of all human endeavor. Marxism is more a reaction, wrong and tyrannical, but we must also recognize that caused by the arbitrary and shortsighted management plutocratic liberalism, which came to inhuman limits on the exploitation of man by man, in the course of the nineteenth century.
People who expresses doubts about this assertion I recommend reading a British writer who shares our principles at all, but gives a vivid picture of the horrific life of humbler strata during the height of the Empire British and liberal regime, I refer to Charles Dickens.
When we speak of liberalism, we talk about all those that are consistent with the regime that we misgoverns: first look at the conduct of the UCEDA [1] : unconditional support for the regime that eats away at the Nation very active part in the conspiracy regimines; divorcist; sponsorship of this decrepit democracy to undermine the real nation, promoting the denationalization of the economy, promoting the delivery of infrastructure in the state to foreign investors not have the slightest intention of arbitrate the claim promotion our country for its economic expansion, as only value the immediate income, therefore throwing away everything that does not involve revenue quickly. We know that in principle all marginal land can not be profitable until it has been made an investment that enables basic infrastructure. Can anyone believe they will do this the foreign capitalists own volition?
Then there are the Conservatives, nor are they our allies or can be, because although they are against the current government, but not against the regime that is his own creation. Or perhaps someone will prove that the generation of 80, Masonic driving the delivery of our political and economic sovereignty to the British capital, embarrassed the Catholic and Hispanic origin of our nationality, secularism Implementing mandatory germ marxistoide university reform, have a point, only in common with our ideas. Economic situations that can approach, not at all forget that basis for the Conservatives are the parents of this anti-Argentine regime. never forget that without Mitre or rocks, we would not have a Alfonsin in government.
These right-wing elements, which do not belong because they do not recognize the ideological division of the Nation were well classified by the renowned José Antonio Primo de Rivera, who identified with crystal clear in No. 3 of "Top" of April 4, 1935, in a paragraph of his article entitled "The national and bourgeois" "Is that a sense of fatherland is completely blunted in the People's Action frigid people?. Anything can happen when you educate a generation in the gruesome art and culture of caution. But something else below: the view election. The leaders of the CEDA [2] know well that the outbursts of patriotism are sporadic, while the conservative effort is permanent. Electoral bodies CEDA usually welcome their property, forgive the weakness of a separatist, but not easily forgive that had with those who threaten its prosperity. The votes matter more than the affections. "
To be clear, WE ARE NOT STATIC, want the smooth development of a truly national private capital, share the principle of "subsidiarity", but any way we can accept that the National Trust is delivered, say more accurately, given the abroad. The State may transfer part of its current assets a proven Argentine capital, we have laws to regulate and ensure the nationality of capital, which is not feasible to specify the current principle of anonymity Jewish stock, a key piece of liberalism. Throughout iter
there are priorities, in any way the privatization of state assets, is the first step we must support, quite the contrary, the Argentine nationalism must fight for the preservation of this heritage as a real guarantee of our sovereignty. Undoubtedly the first step we take is the detailed planning of the new Argentine government, which must specify the desired and necessary to return our community to the natural order is, of course, absolutely opposed to plutocracy, and anti-Christian principles of liberalism.
is needed authentic communion of nationalism behind the banners of his doctrine, we can and must compromise with those who historically have defended the national real Self, but never giving up our Christian principles, Corporate and antipartidocraticos. Why is it not possible to pave the way for the creators of this Scheme dissolute destroying our country, power can not even win in the electoral game that false claim as the basis of their ideology at the expense of the sacred interests of the Nation.
Vicente M. Puig Moreno
Posted in Patria Argentina N º 18. April 1988