Sunday, October 31, 2010
My Sister New Born Baby Sms

Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Senegalese Refugee Camp
One of the letters that distinguish the true Argentine nationalism their crypto-Marxist counterfeit is of Hispanic.
Unfortunately, some nationalists practicones this distinctive feature is awkward to hold them, so watch out that in these times, she is the most politically incorrect.
nationalists, however we can not be Hispanic because we have an obligation to defend our national identity and there is no doubt that Hispanic is one of the basic components of the Argentine National Being.
Beyond all challenges that liberalism can make our Hispanic identity, she was the cultural matrix from which came our nation, and everything else, pre-existing or survivor, he is an accessory.
objective analysis of our history and tradition shows that we are the legitimate children of medieval Spain and recently missionary who embodied the traditional values \u200b\u200bof Christianity and the natural order to carry out the marvelous company to spread the Gospel in this land, it from basic and essential elements that make up our national, who likes it though, is that a fact of reality is not of any a priori philosophical or theological, but the knowledge of our historical tradition.
worth noting, by the doubts that when we're not Hispanic appeal to a English Mentoring and foolish claiming firsts that do not correspond, or we refer to modern Spain and Masonic betrayed his destination. Menting are much less a pipe dream or fiction output of a caletre anachronistic, but we are talking about something very concrete and real.
La Hispanidad, as well as the Father taught Zacarias de Vizcarra, is the set of qualities that distinguish the Hispanic peoples, especially those that allowed him to Spain to pursue the ecumenical mission of carrying the Gospel message and build an empire in which these two realities, the spiritual and temporal, coexist in harmony. Therefore, the Hispanic is also a weltanschauung , ie a world view based on Catholic militant and opposed to rationalism, liberalism, and all the values \u200b\u200bof modernity refractory our identity and our faith
When the spiritual values \u200b\u200bof the Hispanic vertebrate social and political order in these lands, Argentina was great, our strong Hispanic identity protected us from the unhealthy foreign influences and allowed us to successfully resist the imperialist pretensions of foreign powers.
In those days, a harmonious social order, where, despite the human weaknesses, the Common Good was the goal of political society, clearly showed the superiority of Christian civilization and the traditional order of the utopian projects of the Enlightenment.
This whole building began to crumble when we started the process of de-hispanización and its glorious ruins was built the myth of the liberal state.
Hogan, if we resist the global developments and protect the cosmopolitanism foreignizing we get that we call Hispanic cultural heritage. The original cultural core is the only safeguard of our nation.
Waterfront cultural tsunami posed by globalization, and given the new challenges of renewed alluvium mean migration-whether it be for extra-continental origin, 'Argentines have no choice but to enhance and revitalize our Hispanic identity.
There is no doubt that only pure and Creole strengthening what we absorb foreign elements are incorporated into our country and our nationality amalgamate otherwise be impossible to deal with any national company.
Therefore, it may seem unrealistic or inappropriate, the Argentine nationalism will be required to continue defending the Hispanic, to continue to proclaim that our country must regain Hispanic and Catholic tradition, to insist on the need to restore the apostolic and warrior spirit displayed in the conquest of America at the time of the Habsburgs, and found a correlation in the times of Don Juan Manuel de Rosas.
the only way that Argentina will be dignified and sovereign nation, heroic and proud, the noble land of the farms and grocery stores in the forts and towers, industries and river shackled, the cross and the sword.
Atilio Edgardo Moreno
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Maxi Mounds Vs Chelsea Charms
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Tgata Camilla Rodrigues
What Happens If You Brush Tongue Too Hard?
this is my toonix what the alien dizfraze rath but there are many more alien supremacist dizfrazes visit